Tuesday, January 19, 2021

January 2021 BLS Partner Update

The state Business Licensing Service (BLS) wishes you all a very happy 2021. During the last tumultuous year, our team stayed focused on supporting business partners. The work was sometimes in transition, but never the mission. Since 1977, it has been our commitment to help public workers help their business customers.

Over the course of 2020, BLS made system improvements, process refinements, and added online tools. Even during an unpredictable year, partnerships grew as cities, towns, and agency programs worked together to help Washington businesses adjust to a fast-changing economy.

In this new year, it remains our singular pleasure to serve you – the hardworking public employees that bring success to your workplace and your community. We appreciate your trust and look forward to the continued partnership.

More milestones for new city partners

BLS raised the bar again for new partnerships in 2020. From Concrete to Clarkston and from Republic to Raymond, BLS added a record 38 city partners. We ended the calendar year with 153 active city partners and another 60 communities ready to join. All Washington cities and towns are now compliant with the 2017 combined licensing deadlines set in Chapter 35.90.020 RCW.
Three more cities will join BLS in January. Wilkeson in east Pierce County, Ocean Shores, and Zillah in the Yakima Valley will link up with BLS to streamline service to businesses.

Revenue’s 2020 Annual Report

The Department has published its Annual Report for the last fiscal year detailing accomplishments in the face of economic adversity. It’s available on the Revenue website here

Pandemic response support and trainings

BLS is able to waive late filing penalties through the end of the Covid-19 state of emergency with the extension of the governor's Proclamation 20-20 to provide emergency support to businesses. Revenue maintains updated information at dor.wa.gov/taxrelief.

Also during in 2020, BLS sought partner input to improve communication and add partner training opportunities. The Partnership Services Team is already working on your suggestions with features added in the ATLAS system and new features in the BLS Partner Post.

Last summer, BLS staff led six online training sessions to help partner staff prepare for the system upgrade in September. More than 100 public employees took part with more than 95% rating the training as “good” or “excellent.”

“BLS support has always been customer-focused and reliable," said Ann Swenson, Liberty Lake City Clerk. “Their staff is very knowledgeable, professional, and responsive.”

System Upgrades

Last February, BLS streamlined its web presence, adding new content to pages for all city partners. Then, in September, the Department of Revenue upgraded its My DOR system, making it more mobile-friendly with better account management tools for business users. The response has been positive. 

“The DOR business licensing process has really freed up our time, letting us concentrate on other priorities and, of course, COVID response,” said Sue Hagener, CPA, Administrative Services Director, city of Sequim. 
“The new upgraded system works well and we can always count on them to assist with reporting and navigating around in the system. I look forward to this continued relationship. Call it a lifesaver!” Hagener said.

Revenue phases out toll-free numbers

Phone numbers on the Department of Revenue’s Contact Us web page are updated for 2021. Toll-free numbers will be phased out and are no longer listed on Revenue web pages, forms, and publications.
Most callers to Revenue staff use mobile phones or VoIP services with free long distance. All callers dialing one of the retired toll-free phone numbers will hear this message:
“The number you have dialed is being discontinued. The new number is (360) xxx-xxxx. Please update your records with the number (360) xxx-xxxx. We will transfer you now."
Important: Be sure to remove any of Revenue’s toll-free numbers from your websites, documents, and contacts lists. Replace them with a corresponding local phone number.

Work section






Main tax line






Remote sales



Forest tax



Unclaimed Property



Praise from cities and businesses

BLS continues to be a popular solution with local government and local businesses. The city of Burien, for instance, joined BLS in May announcing that BLS’s “system will make it easier to apply or renew your business license by providing a one-stop shop for both Burien and state business licenses … saving you time and bookkeeping costs.”

As more cities partner, more regional businesses reap benefits. One such business, Nelson’s Electric, has grown since 1971 to employ 100 workers in several Washington communities – including Burien. “Syncing up the licensing process for most cities across the region saves us time so we can focus on our work powering up the buildings where people work to power up our regional economy,” said Nelson’s Electric controller Jerome Matthews.

Tell us what you think

If you have an idea, suggestion, or tip to share, please reach out to us. We are always open to ways to improve our service to partners. 
Our team is available weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at dorblspartner@dor.wa.gov and 360.705.6777. Keep in touch and have a healthy and safe new year.

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